I know it's been a LONG time since i've entered this blog...sorry. I really enjoy laying around holding Isabella, playing on the floor, and simply just watching her sleep better than anything else right at the moment. I keep telling myself to enjoy these times -- you know the holding and squeezing, and even the tears -- because they won't last long. Before i know it she's going to be telling me "no" and not letting me hold her and i'll wish for these days again. And these days seem to just fly by!
I started back to work on monday and everyday i come home i swear she grows a little. She's starting to smile a little more, not just when she's sleeping -- and she's starting to hold her head up when we play on the floor. Soon she'll start to roll and next she'll want a new car, LOL. I know it won't happen that fast, but it sure does feel like it somedays.